Studies indicate that participants in teen court are less likely to have repeat offenses than teens in the traditional court system.
Download PDF versions of these and more case studies and statistics.
Some positive outcomes of similar programs*
Reductions of the number and intensity of fights and physical altercations.
Fewer classroom and cafeteria disruptions.
Drastic reductions in the number of students suspended and expelled. Higher academic performance including standardized test score increases.
Greater sense of safety in the school. A more positive school climate for students and school personnel.
Healthier relationships among and between students and adults—including parents and guardians.
Increased and more meaningful communication.
*Based on statistics from Alameda County School-Based Behavioral Health Initiative published by the International Institute of Restorative Practices (
3-Year Progress of Similar Program at Pottstown High School
Small Suburban High School
Grades 9-12
63 Teachers
874 Students
NCES Kids' Zone, February 2009; Stephen J. Rodriguez, principal, Pottstown High School, February 2009
2-Year Progress of Similar Program at West Philadelphia High School
Large City High School
Grades 9-12
913 Students as of 2008-2009
Russel A. Gallagher, assistant principal, West Philadelphia High School, February 2009