RES Virtual Pivot Schedule (November 23-24, 2020)
If you have any questions or concerns, please email your child's teacher.

Attention Robinson Elementary Parents & Friends: Volunteer hours are due now! You may include activities from March until November 20, 2020. Submit your time using the link below. Also, check out the image! Thank you for all that you do for our students & school. https://forms.gle/bbykVfrFgv2eRFXD8

Here's a reminder about the virtual pivot schedule for schools and district offices next week. Hope you have a great weekend!
#pcssdproud #equityandexcellence

UPDATE AS OF 10:06 a.m. from Ritter Communications:
Ritter continues splicing work to repair damage that occurred during a failed fiber move. Service is being restored to sites on a gradual basis as splicing is completed. Thank you for your patience as we continue to monitor the repair process.

Good morning Robinson Elementary families! The PCSSD IT department was notified this morning that there is an internet outage in the area. According to Ritter Communications, a fiber was cut which impacts internet connectivity. Our IT team is working with Ritter Communications to resolve the issue. Students are asked to log into schoology and work on posted assignments. We will update once we have more information. Thank you!

Happy Educational Support Professionals Day! Thank you for your dedication to our students and families! #pcssdproud #equityandexcellence

JOE T. ROBINSON ELEMENTARY PTO volunteers trimmed trees, pruned shrubs, picked weeds, planted daffodil and tulip bulbs, painted the front gates, and delivered 6 NEW picnic tables. Even the kids got to help with the cleanup. Thank you volunteers! #pcssdproud #equityandexcellence

It is American Education Week! We want to send a big THANK YOU to teachers & parents for prioritizing education this year as we navigate uncharted territory with COVID-19. And, let's not forget our rockstar students who have adapted to change! #pcssdproud #equityandexcellence

November is Native American Heritage Month. President Ronald Reagan first proclaimed one week in November as "American Indian Week" in 1986. And in 1990, President George H.W. Bush was the first to designate November as "National American Indian Heritage Month."

November is National Diabetes Awareness Month. This year's theme is Taking Care of Youth Who Have Diabetes. Tips include manage blood glucose levels, healthy habits, stay prepared for emergencies & seek mental health support if needed.

According to Classlink, all logins into the PCSSD portal are now working. Classlink identified the issue and will continue to monitor the system. Thank you for your patience this morning!
Status Updates: https://status.classlink.com/#

PCSSD Portal / Classlink Update: The Classlink team is still working with AWS. Several other sites are experiencing similar issues with error code 500. We will continue to update you on our progress. https://status.classlink.com/#

The PCSSD portal, managed by Classlink, is currently down nationwide. Classlink is investigating the issue and we will update as soon as have more details. You can follow status updates here: status.classlink.com. Thank you for your patience.

Please join us for our Virtual Thanksgiving Luncheon!

Mrs. Boswell (our RES Parent) from Arkansas Children's Hospital just provided the RES staff with one of the best CPR trainings! THANK YOU Mrs. Boswell!! You did an excellent job. We appreciate you for taking the time to provide us with relevant & timely professional learning. We hope we never have to use these skills, but we are ready just in case! #30and2 #senatorpride #RESParentsRock #equityandexcellence #weloveourstudents

November is Native American Heritage Month. The U.S. government recognizes nearly 600 Indian tribes in the contiguous 48 states and Alaska. Several rituals are tribe specific, but some cross tribe boundaries, including pow wows, the stomp dance, and drum circles.

Today is Young Readers Day, which recognizes the joys and benefits of reading. Books open a world of imagination and knowledge to readers every day and it is important we instill a love of reading into our children at an early age. #pcssdproud #equityandexcellence

PCSSD is lucky to have so many amazing teacher librarians across the district. Thank you to each one of them (not all pictured) for doing "virtually anything" for our schools, staff and students! #pcssdproud #equityandexcellence

November is Child Safety Protection Month. The Centers for Disease Control reports children between ages 1-4 have the highest rate of poisoning. Parents should keep cleaning supplies and medications are put away and out of the reach of children. #pcssdproud #equiityandexcellence

Several elementary schools held mock elections last week to teach students about registering to vote and casting their ballot. Check out these pictures of students learning about their civic duty: http://ow.ly/CxJt50Cbzon
#pcssdproud #equityandexcellence