Central Arkansas is expected to feel the impact of Hurricane Laura tomorrow. Based on the most current weather updates, the heaviest impact is expected between 3-4pm. Therefore, PCSSD will close early on Thursday, August 27. Elementary schools will dismiss at 11:30am and Secondary schools will dismiss at 1:00pm. Dismissal times are for both car and bus riders. District offices will close at 1pm as well. There will be no district athletics events on Thursday, August 27. No decision has been about school or athletic activities for Friday at this time.
over 4 years ago, PCSSD
hurricane laura
Schoology Update: The parent access feature is not turned on yet for Schoology. We are working to get all teachers and students up to speed before adding the parent access. We'll share more information next week. Thank you for your continued patience.
over 4 years ago, PCSSD
schoology parent view
SCHOOLOGY UPDATE: Rachel Blackwell, Digital Learning Facilitator for PCSSD, offers another walk through of what Schoology looks like for students, starting with the log-in process to the student portal. #pcssdproud #equityandexcellence http://ow.ly/J3U850B8ZV1
over 4 years ago, PCSSD
A MESSAGE FROM RES PRINCIPAL DR.MOORE: Just a friendly reminder that tomorrow is early release day! Each Wednesday Pre-K students will be dismissed at 11:15 am and grade K-5 will be dismissed at 11:30 am. #senatorpride #senatorstrong #weloveourstudents
over 4 years ago, Joe T. Robinson Elementary School
ATTENTION RES PARENTS & GUARDIANS: Happy first day of school! Car-riders were given name cards today. Please display your name card on your dashboard or window during dismissal. In addition, you must remain in your cars during arrival. Duty teachers will check your child's temperature while he or she is in the car. For the safety of all, do not exit your cars. Thank you! #equityandexcellence
over 4 years ago, Joe T. Robinson Elementary School
A Special Thank You to RES Parents and Guardians for sending POSITIVE ENERGY our way on our first day of school during this pandemic! We really appreciate you! Thank you for attending our Virtual Open House and taking the time view our Open House Visual Slide Show and Class Codes that were posted the same evening as Open House! Please continue to check-out our website for information related to Robinson Elementary School! #senatorpride #senatorstrong
over 4 years ago, Joe T. Robinson Elementary School
Good evening Robinson Elementary Parents. As of today the extended care at Robinson is at capacity. We will not be able to accept any more applications at this time. Thank you and have a good evening.
over 4 years ago, Karen Gentry
It may look a little different this year, but we are still sending well wishes and positive vibes for a happy first day of school! #pcssdproud #equityandexcellence
over 4 years ago, PCSSD
first day
Ellie Miller, a parent of 6 children wrote this poem earlier this month for @thrive. Mrs. Miller states in the article that, regardless of options, there isn’t a parent who won’t relate to the words of this poem. http://ow.ly/Issp50B6w5T #pcssdproud #equityandexcellence
over 4 years ago, PCSSD
twas the night before
Do you have questions or concerns regarding your child's 2020-2021 instructional delivery method? If so, contact our school registrar, Mrs. Gentry by email at kgentry@pcssd.org. Please include Dr. Moore at tdmoore@pcssd.org and Mrs. Bailey at tbailey1289@pcssd.org on your email. Thank you! #senatorpride #equityandexcellence
over 4 years ago, Joe T. Robinson Elementary School
ATTENTION RES PARENTS & GUARDIANS: During the Week of August 17th Parents of A/B Hybrid Learning students were contacted via the contact information we have on file. Staff informed families if they were A Group (Monday & Tuesday) or B Group (Thursday & Friday). This information was also provided in writing when parents picked up student chrome books. If your child is a car rider and your last name ends in A-L your child is in Group A. If your child's last name ends in M-Z your child is in group B. The PCSSD Transportation Dept. placed students who ride the bus in A or B groups. Siblings with different last names were placed together. Middle and High Schools who had siblings in elementary were asked to coordinate with the elementary schools. For more information please read the RES Reopening School Safely Plan using this link https://5il.co/jzgt. Thank you! #senatorpride #equityandexcellence #staysafe
over 4 years ago, Joe T. Robinson Elementary School
ATTENTION KINDERGARTEN PARENTS: Our wonderful teacher Mrs. Davie is scheduled to return to RES September 14th. Mr. Lane and Mrs. Scott are scheduled teachers for her class. Our Instructional Coach and Teacher Librarian will also be providing instruction while Mrs. Davie is on leave. If you have any questions please contact Mrs. Bailey at tbailey1289@pcssd.org
over 4 years ago, Joe T. Robinson Elementary School
over 4 years ago, Joe T. Robinson Elementary School
ATTENTION RES PARENTS AND GUARDIANS: A MESSAGE FROM PRINCIPAL DR. MOORE--Please see the link in this post for additional information discussed during our RES VIRTUAL OPEN HOUSE. This link includes information for accessing your child's online classroom code on Monday, August 24th!. https://5il.co/k1hp #senatorpride
over 4 years ago, Joe T. Robinson Elementary School
ATTENTION RES PARENTS AND GUARDIANS: A MESSAGE FROM PRINCIPAL DR. MOORE--Please see the link in this post for additional information discussed during our RES VIRTUAL OPEN HOUSE. This link includes our Reopening Daily Schedule for the First Week of School. https://5il.co/k1hr #senatorpride
over 4 years ago, Joe T. Robinson Elementary School
over 4 years ago, Joe T. Robinson Elementary School
Rachel Blackwell, Digital Learning Facilitator, walks through Schoology for students. This is a first look at a student account as the school year begins and courses are added. VIDEO: https://youtu.be/y0JY3DjwITg WEB INFO: https://www.pcssd.org/o/pcssd/page/educational-approach #pcssdproud #equityandexcellence
over 4 years ago, PCSSD
REPOST----ATTENTION RES PARENTS & GUARDIANS! A MESSAGE FROM PRINCIPAL DR. MOORE: Dear RES Community, please see the link in this posting for important information regarding our school's reopening plan. Additional information will be provided during our VIRTUAL OPEN HOUSE on AUGUST 21st at 5:30pm. You will be able to access our Virtual Open House via our school website, email, and other social media platforms. #senatorpride #equityandexcellence #belikewatermyfriend #Ilovemystudents https://5il.co/jzgt
over 4 years ago, Joe T. Robinson Elementary School
ATTENTION RES PARENTS & GUARDIANS! A MESSAGE FROM PRINCIPAL DR. MOORE: Dear RES Community, please see the link in this posting for important information regarding our school's reopening plan. Additional information will be provided during our VIRTUAL OPEN HOUSE on AUGUST 21st at 5:30pm. You will be able to access our Virtual Open House via our school website, email, and other social media platforms. #senatorpride #equityandexcellence #belikewatermyfriend #Ilovemystudents https://5il.co/jzgt
over 4 years ago, Joe T. Robinson Elementary School
ATTENTION RES KINDERGARTEN PARENTS & GUARDIANS: We are allowing all kindergarten parents to walk their child to the entrance of the school on the first day of school only. Mrs. Davie's students are scheduled to arrive between 8:30am and 8:45am. Mrs. Miller's class is scheduled to arrive between 9:00am and 9:15am. This applies to the first day of school only. Social distancing and masks are required. #senatorpride #welcometorobinson
over 4 years ago, Joe T. Robinson Elementary School