ATTENTION RES PARENTS & GUARDIANS: If you did not pick up your child's chrome book during the roll out this week, please contact Ms. Ake (Teacher Librarian/Media Specialist) by email at jake7454@pcssd.org to schedule a pick up date and time. Thank you! #equity&excellence #senatorpride

Hey Parents! Here's more info on Schoology. This Parent Guide is packed with detailed explanations of different features, tools and step-by-step walkthroughs. This guide is designed to help you better understand Schoology. https://support.schoology.com/hc/en-us/articles/201000873-Parent-Guide #pcssdproud #equityandexcellence

PCSSD will use Schoology as its Learning Management System (LMS) this school year. Students can submit assignments, review grades, engage in interactive discussions, take tests, and more. Check out this video for more info: https://vimeo.com/46433066 #pcssdproud #equityandexcellence

REPOST: ATTENTION RES PARENTS & GUARDIANS: AN UPDATE FROM PRINCIPAL DR. MOORE: Thank you for your support, patience, and flexibility. Please visit the link in the post for an update regarding 2020-2021 Teacher Assignments. https://5il.co/ju9n #senatorpride #senatorstrong #equity&excellence #jtresptorocks

ATTENTION RES KINDERGARTEN PARENTS & GUARDIANS: We have a call-out scheduled for tomorrow just for you! Be sure to check your voicemail if you miss the call. Please note the special arrival time scheduled for your child's first day of school. #senatorpride #equity&excellence

ATTENTION RES PARENTS & GUARDIANS: AN UPDATE FROM PRINCIPAL DR. MOORE: Thank you for your support, patience, and flexibility. Please visit the link in the post for an update regarding 2020-2021 Teacher Assignments. https://5il.co/ju9n #senatorpride #senatorstrong #equity&excellence #jtresptorocks

Hello RES Parents & Guardians: We take your child's health personally. Nurse Leach will contact you by phone to schedule a time just for you to drop off student medication. If you have any questions, contact Nurse Leach at dleach8701@pcssd.org. #senatorpride

The 2020-2021 bell schedule is now available on the school website: https://res.pcssd.org/o/joe-t-robinson/page/school-information--156

Just A Friendly Reminder About RES Chromebook Roll Out: Please see the link in this posting! https://5il.co/jkzj #senatorpride

Attention RES Parents & Guardians: Please see the link in this post for important time-sensitive information about our After-Care Program. https://5il.co/jk17 #senatorpride #equity&excellence

Tip to help your child adapt to wearing a mask: Let's pretend! Integrate masks into your favorite pretend play scenes. Encourage your child to dress up as a doctor, nurse, or veterinarian. #pcssdproud #equityandexcellence

RES VIRTUAL OPEN HOUSE RELEASE!! Check this out! https://5il.co/jgh4 #senatorpride #equityandexcellence #senatorstrong #RESROCKS

ATTENTION RES KINDERGARTEN PARENTS: A MESSAGE FROM PRINCIPAL DR. MOORE: Please see the link in this post for a letter especially for you! https://5il.co/jc6j #senatorpride #RESROCKS

Tip to help your child adapt to wearing a mask: Use easy to understand language and positive phrasing to explain why it is important for children to wear their mask. #pcssdproud #equityandexcellence

ATTENTION RES KINDERGARTEN PARENTS: A MESSAGE FROM PRINCIPAL DR. MOORE: Please see the link in this post for a letter especially for you! https://5il.co/jc6j #senatorpride #RESROCKS

ROBINSON ELEMENTARY SCHOOL: UPDATED FAQ August 6, 2020 https://5il.co/j81o

COMING SOON: Chromebook Distribution
PCSSD will release information about chromebook distribution for all students soon. Every student in grades K - 12 will receive a chromebook no matter which instructional option they are in. #pcssdproud #equityandexcellence

Baptist Health Community Outreach is offering back-to-school immunization clinics in Little Rock throughout the month of August. Check out the schedule on our website: https://www.pcssd.org/article/279757?org=pcssd
#pcssdproud #equityandexcellence

The revised district calendar for the 2020-2021 school year has been posted on the district website and all school websites. This is a DRAFT version as it must still be approved by the Board of Education, but we wanted to share with you now for planning.
You can find it here: https://www.pcssd.org/o/pcssd/events

Clarification: Robinson Elementary School will use Schoology as our learning management system in 2020-2021. Google tools such as google docs, slides, and sheets may also be used or integrated with Schoology (not Google Classroom). #equity&excellence #senatorpride #robinsonelementaryrocks