Broadway World Magazine and the Arkansas Democrat Gazette both previewed MAUMELLE HIGH SCHOOL's "I Am Frankenstein" production coming up on October 31. Check out the story on Broadway World here: http://bit.ly/2WtA82y. The ADG article comes out on Oct. 31.

REMINDER: Maumelle High School will premiere "I Am Frankenstein" on October 31 at 7 p.m. Admission is $5 for students and $7 for non-students.

Reminder! Friday is picture day. You can order ahead online at mylifetouch.com. Our Picture ID is EVT938GRT.

Don't forget that students get a little fall break NEXT week. Schools are closed Wednesday (Oct. 30) - Friday (Nov. 1) for districtwide professional development. You can find all district events on the website: https://www.pcssd.org/o/pcssd/events


Reminder! Friday is picture day. You can order ahead online at mylifetouch.com. Our Picture ID is EVT938GRT.

This week is National School Bus Safety Week. The school bus ride is an extension of the school day and PCSSD schools is committed to providing a safe transportation experience for all students across the district.

**ATTENTION** Phones are down at several PCSSD schools and admin offices. Our IT department is working with Windstream to resolve the issue. You track the outage here: https://downdetector.com/status/windstream/map/

All MHS 10th grade students will be taking the PSAT/National Merit Scholarship exam tomorrow Wednesday October 16. Please be sure your 10th grader arrives to school by 8:30 am and promptly reports to their assigned testing room. The exam will last through 4th period and may help qualify your student for scholarship money from the National Merit program.

Every PCSSD staff member is encouraged to wear red on Tuesday, October 15 in honor of World Dyslexia Day.

"80 Bites around the World", cultural night this Thursday October 17th from 5-8pm. There will be food tasting and a tour of student projects from around the world. Featuring All La Voce, the Minority Group, Thespians Honor Society, French and Chinese Clubs students

It finally feels like fall! So let's celebrate with some football with our PCSSD high schools. Good luck to our student athletes tonight. #pcssdproud #equityandexcellence

National Honor Society has emailed qualified candidates an invitation to apply for membership. Students if you have a cumulative GPA of 3.5 or above, check your email for more details. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Acord.

Homecoming dance tickets are on sale in Ms. McCarty's room 607. Cost is $10. Homecoming theme is Mardi Gras. Dance will be on October 19 in aux gym.

The Junior/Senior powderpuff game will be held next Wednesday. In order to attend, students have to purchase a $3 ticket. Tickets will be sold in the cafeteria during lunch starting this Friday and can be purchased through Oct 16th

Science Club will meet next Tuesday, October 15th after
school at 4:00 in room 409, Ms. Roe's room. If you are interested in joining, please attend! We will discuss volunteer events and officer elections. Dues are $5

October is National Bullying Prevention Month. The National Bullying Prevention Center provides a "Kids Against Bullying" pledge encouraging kids to speak up against bullying, support those being bullied & to be a friend when they see bullying. http://ow.ly/snaM50wEVmm

DECA is having a coloring book drive for Childrens Hospital. Please bring new
coloring books and CRAYOLA crayons to Mrs. Bahloul in room 211.

Girls soccer tryouts will be Friday October 25 and Monday October 28 from 4:45-
6:00 at the MHS football stadium. You must have a current physical to tryout. If you
have any questions, see Coach Beaver.